- Hotel & Airfare
We booked through Vegas.com and scored a great package! We actually bought Vegas.com gift cards at Costco.com. Each $100 giftcard was only $79.99 (a 20% savings!), online and shipping included. I did some calculations and figured out how many giftcards I would need. We also scored $50 food and beverage credit and up to $50 baggage reimbursement. Our trip ended up costing us $320 (for hotel and airfare) per person!!! And-- we're on the strip!!! - Meals
Meals in Vegas aren't cheap, like they used to be. A few of the sites we used included:
* Restaurant.com- be sure to search promo codes to help lower the cost of coupons
* Living Social
* Groupon
* Visiticket - Shows
We bought more Vegas.com giftcards for shows. The service fees are pretty steep, but we had a little money left over on a card and a promo code for Vegas.com, so it pretty much took care of the fees.
Now, if we can just get lucky with some good hands, virgin rollers, and loose slots, we can afford to come back soon!!!
Wish us luck!!!